Online Learning
Bay Mills Community College (BMCC) was approved on November 13, 2017, by the State
of Michigan, to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity
Agreements (NC- SARA). NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight
of postsecondary distance education.
BMCC, as a SARA approved institution, can deliver online programs to residents in
any SARA member state without seeking additional authorization from that particular
state. SARA is a voluntary agreement among 49 member states, districts, and territories
that establish comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary
distance education courses and programs. SARA is overseen by a National Council and
administered by four regional education compacts. The State of Michigan is a member
of the SARA-Midwestern Higher Education Compact.
State Authorization Status
BMCC can offer its online programs in all States which have joined NC- SARA.
California Authorization
California has not joined NC-SARA but BMCC can offer its online programs to California
residents. BMCC is an accredited public non-profit institution without a physical
presence in the state of California and is currently exempt from seeking authorization/registration
in California for its online programs. However, certain in-person program requirements,
such as internships and field placements, may not be available. Please contact the
department that administers the program you are interested in for additional guidance.
BMCC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) as a regionally accredited
institution authorized to operate as an institution of higher education and to offer
distance education courses. HLC is an institutional accrediting agency recognized
by the U.S. Department of Education
To All Potential Students: Please check the state requirements for professional licensure before you undertake your program of study.
BMCC offers programs which may lead to licensure in the state of Michigan. BMCC cannot assure that its distance education offerings will lead to licensure in other states. Students, who seek admission to BMCC’s distance education online programs, are responsible for contacting the appropriate licensing agency in their state to determine what the requirements for professional licensure are.
BMCC State Licensure-Education-Education
Complaints Information Link
BMCC SARA Distance Education Complaint Information
BMCC is also a participating member of the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). OLC is
a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators dedicated to
advancing quality digital teaching and learning experiences designed to reach and
engage the modern learner – anyone, anywhere, anytime.
How Online Classes Work
Online classes are conducted using the online learning platform Moodle.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific semester dates. Most online classes are offered for 15 weeks in an asynchronous
format, meaning students log into class each week at a time that is convenient for
them unless otherwise directed by the instructor. The asynchronous format does not
mean, however, that frequent and consistent access to the online class is not required;
in fact, students are strongly encouraged to do so as due dates may be during the
week. Online classes may also meet online at scheduled times for chat or live sessions;
these synchronous meetings will be determined by the instructor in each course. Refer
to the course syllabus for any scheduled live meeting times or specific deadlines.
All online classes follow the Eastern Standard Time zone (EST) for defining the start
and end of a week within the online term, as well as for scheduling any synchronous
meeting times, drop and withdrawal deadline times, and assignment and exam submission
Is Online Learning Right for Me?
Pursuing higher education through online classes requires students to be independent, motivated, focused, prepared, persistent, organized, and proactive.
While students in online classes interact with their instructors and classmates, much
of the learning is initiated by students when they log into class, thoroughly read
through lectures, class materials, and discussion board postings, compose responses,
undertake homework assignments, and study for exams.
Online Learning Technical Requirements
Students need to have regular access to the internet on a personal computer, tablet or other device that meets the following technical requirements for online courses:
- Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera
- A specific web browser listed above may be required for some courses
- Your browser must be on a version released within the past 6 months
- Downloads available online for all browsers
Additionally, browser settings should be set to the following:
- Cookies must be Enabled
- JavaScript must be Enabled
Office Software
Many classes will require the use of Microsoft Office. Students enrolled at BMCC have free access to Office 365 that can be downloaded using your BMCC email account. The IT department can assist with installation if there are any technical issues. Office must be installed prior to beginning course work.
The computer used for coursework might need a webcam and/or microphone; please contact your instructor to find out.
Chromebooks may not be suitable for your class needs and are not recommended by IT.
Computer Failure/Crashes and Internet Connectivity
Computer Failures/Crashes and Internet Connectivity are not a valid reason for late coursework. The college provides on campus computer accessibility to all students during business hours. For those who are not near campus, free wireless internet can be found in emergency situations at locations such as restaurants and public libraries. The only exception to this policy is a region-wide electrical failure, or a temporary failure of systems that support Moodle. Moodle can be accessed directly by typing in the following address into the browser’s address bar:
Office 365 and BMCC Email
All students have a BMCC Email Account and access to Office 365. This account is used to log in to the various services that BMCC such as:
- Student Records - Used to register for classes, view attendance, view final grades, anything related to your student record at BMCC
- Moodle - BMCC's Learning Management System. This is used for all online classes, and most on-campus classes
- Bookstore - The BMCC bookstore is your one stop shop for all your book needs
- Zoom - BMCC primarily uses Zoom for class videoconferencing purposes
Once you have logged in to your BMCC Email Account, most of our applications can be accessed by clicking on the Apps menu. There is more information about logging into your BMCC Email Account and Office 365 Suite available on the Information Technology page.
If you need further assistance accessing your account please visit to submit a ticket and the first available IT staff member will reach out to you. If the issue is about your BMCC Email Account please include your first name, last name, student ID number, or the email/phone number you have on file with us through student records (EmpowerWeb), and we will be happy to assist you. You can also call 906-248-3354 and ask for Information Technology.
Logging Into Moodle
Online classrooms will open on the first day the class is scheduled to begin. Students
can log directly into Moodle or they can access the Moodle app from the their Microsoft Office App Drawer. If
Moodle does not log you in automatically, click the button “BMCC Email Address” under Login with.
Students needing assistance with Moodle may contact IT Support at or the following staff members:
Kendra Voris
Dean of Distance Education
[email protected]
(906) 248-8402
Laura Parish
Distance Learning Specialist
[email protected]
(906) 248-8417
Lily Kuzmik
Academic Affairs Specialist
[email protected]
(906) 248-8491
Moodle Messaging
All instructor and student communications for online classes will be sent through Moodle messaging. See the video below on how to use Moodle Messaging.
Open LMS Mobile App for Moodle
We can encourage all participants to download and use the Open LMS mobile app
- Download from the App Store (iOS)
- Download from Google Play (Android)
You can use the mobile app to:
- Easily access course content
- Connect with other course participants
- Receive instant notifications about course events
- Submit assignments
- Track your completion progress
- Complete activities anywhere, anytime... and more!
Student Records/Empower
Students should log into their Student records account to register for classes, verify class schedule, add/drop classes, view financial aid awards, view/pay bills, and print/view grades and unofficial transcripts. Students can view their Student Records (EmpowerWeb) account after they have applied. Students needing assistance with their Student Records (EmpowerWeb) account may contact the IT Department at
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they have purchased/ordered the correct textbooks from a reliable source and that the textbooks arrive in time to start your classes. Students can find information about purchasing textbooks on BMCC's Bookstore.
Online Syllabus
Syllabi for all classes, both online and on-campus, can be found in the Moodle classroom. A syllabus is a summary or outline of the important information students need to know about the course. It includes instructor contact and course information, as well as college and instructor policies. Students should consider this an agreement between students and instructors on what is expected of you both. Students have access to Moodle on the first day of the scheduled start date of online courses. View a blank example syllabus here:
Proctoring Services
Proctoring Services
Your course might require proctored quizzes, tests and/or exams during the semester. BMCC uses a proctoring service called Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor during examinations. Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor allows students to take proctored exams at home or another location by monitoring test taking through video and audio. The software will require the use of a webcam.
Lockdown Browser: The Student Experience
Respondus Student Support
24/7/365 Live Chat - If a student encounters a technical problem with Respondus Monitor, a Respondus support agent is seconds away. Students can start a live chat session from within Respondus Monitor itself. The average wait time for an agent (a real human) is usually less than 30 seconds.
Help Center & System Check - In addition to live chat, LockDown Browser has a built-in Help Center that contains a system check, troubleshooter, and knowledge base.
Respondus Support - Students may also open a ticket directly with Respondus Support at
You will need the following:
- Internet Browser – The exam can be taken in a standard browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) for proctored exams.
- Webcam – May be internal (in your computer or laptop) or external, but consider that you might be asked to do a scan of the room you are in, so make sure it is mobile enough you can move it.
- Microphone – You will need to record audio; it can be built-in to your computer/laptop or external.
- Identification – You will be asked to show identification. You can use your BMCC school ID, a tribal card, driver's license, or state ID.
Exam Taking Guidelines
When taking an online exam, follow these guidelines:
- Ensure you're in a location where you won't be interrupted
- Turn off all mobile devices, phones, etc.
- Clear your desk of all external materials — books, papers, other computers, or devices
- Remain at your desk or workstation for the duration of the test
- If a webcam is required, make sure it is plugged in or enabled before starting LockDown Browser
- LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted
- If a webcam is required, you will be recorded during the test to ensure you're using only permitted resources
Computer requirements for installations of Respondus Lockdown Browser
Operating Systems
- Windows: 11 and 10*
* Includes x86 32 and 64bit processors and ARM 64bit processors using x86 emulation.
* Windows 10/11 "S mode" is not a compatible operating system, nor can LockDown Browser be obtained via the Windows App Store. At present, support for Windows 10/11 "S Mode" isn’t on the roadmap for LockDown Browser. - Mac: macOS 10.13 to 13.0+.
- ChromeOS: LockDown Browser for Chromebook minimally requires the version of ChromeOS that Google makes available via their Long Term Support (LTS) channel. Respondus recommends keeping your Chromebook updated to the most recent version that is available via Google’s ChromeOS “Stable” channel.
- iPadOS:0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration. The LockDown Browser iPad app is not compatible with Sakai LMS servers. All Sakai users will need to use a computer with a compatible operating system.
LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor may continue to run in older operating systems that have reached “end-of-life” but students may encounter unexpected results.
- Windows: 2 GB RAM (A minimum 4gb of available RAM is necessary when using LockDown Browser to take an exam that also uses a webcam.)
- Mac: 2 GB RAM (A minimum 4gb of available RAM is necessary when using LockDown Browser to take an exam that also uses a webcam.)
Student Services and Resources
As an online learner, you have access to the same academic support services as on-campus students. Services and resources commonly used by online learners include:
Michigan Virtual Library - All Michigan residents have access.